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Find Your Personality Niche in Streaming

Staff – January 15, 2019 at 9:41 AM

The Intel® Streamers Bootcamp is an ongoing series of educational and how-to videos—brought to you by some of the best streamers and top content creators worldwide—covering live streaming, gaming and creativity software, and in-depth hardware topics. In this installment of the Intel® Streamers Bootcamp, Day[9] gives valuable advice to aspiring streamers on matching your personality to your content. 

A 13-year StarCraft veteran and top player, Day[9] streams 90-minute live shows every Monday through Thursday and live game playthroughs every Friday, all of which has a fun mixture of gaming strategy and comedy. With over half a million YouTube subscribers, Day[9] dispenses useful tips on everything from being deliberate with your stream to connecting with your audience. Watch the video below for how to find your personality niche as a streamer. 

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