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Overcoming Language Barriers Is Just One Challenge Overwatch League Teams Face

Written by Staff | July 10, 2019 at 5:20 PM

The Overwatch League’s Guangzhou Charge is a Chinese team with members from South Korea, China, and the United Kingdom. When you take a look at the team’s roster, the question surely comes to mind: How can these players possibly communicate with each other, let alone spend so much time together in one house?  

Luckily, activities like playing sports together, spending time in the pool, and sharing a good Korean meal are all useful ways of getting over such language barriers. Furthermore, when it comes to communicating within the actual game, Charge player Finley “Kyb” Adisi notes that he’s even picked up a few key Korean words here and there to help bridge the language gap. 

Check out the full video to learn more about how the Guangzhou Charge spends their time while living together in Los Angeles, CA.